Today, ten years after the mission started a visitor to the Laurent Giles can find either directly from the site by searching the design name, or by using the contact feature, technical and design information on all of Jack Giles designs and most Laurent Giles designs up to the end of the twentieth century.

For the Laurent Giles Archive an average week is diverse: a dozen or so inquiries, many from owners or prospective owners of Giles’ historical and notable designs, those in need of technical information and drawing copies and emails and phone calls from journalists or authors seeking facts and photographs. Occasionally, from ship and yacht yards and private individuals exploring the possibility of constructing a full size replica of one of Jack Giles’ many masterpieces of yacht design.

40 years ago - the gap filler that far exceeded expectations

Boat Plan Sets Game changers Historical Yachts Model Plans Production Yachts Yacht Register

What in the late 1960’s linked Moody and Westerly production yacht builders, a WW2 fighter ace, the first helicopter landing on a frigate and the last Judge to sentence a person to execution in Britain?

Boat Plan Sets Production Yachts
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