Today, ten years after the mission started a visitor to the Laurent Giles can find either directly from the site by searching the design name, or by using the contact feature, technical and design information on all of Jack Giles designs and most Laurent Giles designs up to the end of the twentieth century. For […]

Boat Plan Sets Historical Yachts Model Plans Posters and Prints Production Yachts Racing Yachts Uncategorised Yacht Register

In a dinner speech in 1964 Jack spoke of his initial interest in yacht designing ‘I first got the silly idea of designing yachts when I was at school. Then I had three years of comparative sanity doing engineering at Cambridge, At the end of my time there the lunacy took on a slightly different […]


Three steel hulls were constructed to the Shipwright 70 class design: the first two for The Ocean Youth Club as was, and the third was completed by a private owner. The second yacht John Laing (pictured) was launched thirty years ago and in that time has shipped many hundreds of young and not so young […]


While indexing our extensive archive of towing tank and wind tunnel tests we have uncovered a gem from November 1962; As part of the research and development of our SARO Scimitar day boat (design number 0455) the firm under took comparative upright resistance and side-force tests, and analysis of close hauled and down wind performance […]

Historical Yachts Uncategorised